Orsay - March 6, 2024

Voice control frees helicopter pilots' hands

Test flights were carried out to assess a voice command solution to simplify basic pilot tasks : a promising and effective solution that integrates Vocapia's AI-based speech recognition technology, along with language understanding features. This successful operation was led in close collaboration with Thales under partial financing by the French DGAC. Vocapia's VoxSigma software was adapted to target a defined command syntax, while still covering a large vocabulary to allow for some flexibility in the formulations. The system is highly robust to the noisy cockpit environment, obtaining over 99% accuracy on non-native pronunciations of the English commands. During the flight tests, the pilot was able to orally control the avionics system to adjust the radio frequencies, configure the digital map display or revise the flight plan. When the test pilot gave his verdict, the smiles widened on the faces of the team members present. "The results are, at this stage, very impressive. I have almost completely outgrown simple touch controls for interacting with the map". This new feature reduces the pilot's time spent with their head down during visual flight, a real operational value in a helicopter cockpit.

About Vocapia Research

Vocapia Research is a French R&D company and software publisher with over 20 years of experience in providing leading edge speech technologies for many languages, including most major European languages as well as Arabic, Mandarin, and Russian. The Vocapia Research VoxSigma® software suite uses advanced language technologies such as language identification, speech recognition, and speaker identification to transform raw audio and audiovisual data into structured and searchable XML documents. This technology relies on decades of research at LISN, with which there is a privileged partnership. Joint systems developed with LISN have achieved top ranks in national and international challenges on speech-to-text transcription. Located at the heart of the science innovation cluster of Paris Saclay, France, Vocapia Research is a leader in developing and adapting AI-based solutions for both civil and defence applications. These applications include audio and audiovisual data mining (broadcast and web data, telephone speech), production of subtitles, OSINT and COMINT, and the analysis of aeronautical communications (air traffic control, voice command). Readers who wish to get more information about Vocapia Research are invited to check out the Vocapia Research website or use the contact information page http://www.vocapia.com/contact.